Good tweezers, nice tweezers but glued, What to do, what to do?

April 15, 2023 1 min read

Good tweezers, nice tweezers but glued, What to do, what to do?

Good tweezers, nice tweezers but glued, What to do, what to do?

Here are some tips for cleaning tweezers to make them clean, beautiful, and long-lasting that I has applied and is very effective:

  1. Wash the tweezers with a specialized solution
  2. Do not wash the glue on the tweezers with water, because there is no effect.
  3. If your hands are sweaty, everyone should take a little alcohol to wipe their hands before using the tweezers and wipe the tweezers after use to avoid oxidation.
  4. Do not use items to pry and remove, to avoid bending or scratching the tip of the tweezers.
  5. Always clean the tweezers before and after use to ensure that the tweezers always catch lashes and are durable.

With only these 5 tips, I ensures that the whole family will keep their tweezers clean and beautiful, the durability will increase by 40-50%!🌟✨💫

💘And especially note, when washing tweezers, always have a special solution to support washing tweezers so that the glue on the tweezers goes away the fastest!

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